Second Trip – London 2005

Report on Second Trip to London

The second Brooks World Travels trip was, in part, a repeat of the first year’s trip. In London the twenty five students covered much of the same ground but even more than last year’s trip. The trip to Villier’s High School was met with great enthusiasm, and students from both sides of the Atlantic spent time cooking, playing a host of different games and sharing stories of their own countries and lives.

Most memorable was the planting and dedication of a maple tree at the US Embassy for Brooks and the Brooks’ World Travels program. There were only four other trees that had been so dedicated. All were for former US presidents and diplomats. This dedication and the plaque were placed there by the US Embassy for the simple reason that they were touched by the mission of Brooks’ World Travels and the life that Brooks led. A letter from the assistant head teacher of Villier’s High School about this occasion is attached below.

Below is also attached a few of the many photos and pages from scrap books that the students made. A number of videos were also made, and we will try to include these on Brooks’ website at a future date. The fact remains, that all of the students’ lives were touched again by this experience. The laughter, wide-eyed adventures and stories that came back to Marshfield High School testify to that. Brooks would be smiling. We are so much more the same than different.

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